Free Casual Session
As a full financial member, you can join any of our casual sessions for free.
Discount on group coaching
Members who join our beginners and intermediate coaching will receive discount.
Compete in TTQ events
As part of a TTQ affiliated club, you can apply to be a TTQ member and compete in table tennis tournaments within Queensland.
Be a voice in the club
Our club constantly seek active members for their opinion on how to make the club a better experience for our members
Support the club
The funds the club receives will be used on equipment, coaching, volunteers and any UQTTA events for its members and UQ students.
Be part of the community
UQTTA is not just a place for you to socialize and train. We also compete together as a team. Join us and represent UQ.
Join Member exclusive events
Following our successes with UQ Closed competitions and social events, we plan to host more member specific events.
Be part of the UQTTA mailing list
Our club regularly sends update on our club's achievement in competition and any upcoming events. Join us and be in the loop.